Browse Items (327 total)

Speech at the Governesses' Benevolent Institution First Anniversary Festival (20 April 1844).

From the autograph album of Christiana Weller (March 1844).

Speech for the Polytechnic Institute of Birmingham (28 February 1844).

Speech at the Liverpool Mechanics' Institution Annual Soirée (26 February 1844).

1844 A_Word_in_Season.pdf
Published in The Keepsake (1844).

Speech at the Athenaeum, Manchester, First Annual Soirée (5 October 1843).

Speech given at Richmond ahead of William Charles Macready's American theatrical tour (26 August 1843).

Dinner for the Sanatorium (29 June 1843).

Speeches at the Charitable and Provident Society for the Aged and Infirm Deaf and Dumb Anniversary Festival (23 May 1843).

Toast at the Annual Dinner of the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest (6 May 1843).