Browse Items (327 total)

To Henry Riley Bradbury, from the Bradbury album, a scrapbook of letters, sketches, drawings, prints, photographs, and printed ephemera (3 June 1847).

Published in 'Romance. From the Pen of Lieutenant-Colonel Robin Redforth,' No. III. Holiday Romance. Our Young Folks, vol.4, no. 1 (March 1868), pp. 193-200. Edited by J.T. Trowbridge and Lucy Larcom, p. 194.

Published in 'The Schoolboy's Story,' Household Words, Vol. VIII, no. 196, New Year Number, 18 February 1854, pp. 409-13.

'An Appeal to Fallen Women' leaflet (28 October 1847).

From the autograph album of Maria Beadnell (1830-1831).

1844 A_Word_in_Season.pdf
Published in The Keepsake (1844).

Published inThe Library of Fiction,vol. 1. London: Chapman and Hall, 1836, pp. 113-119.

Published in The Monthly Magazine, or The British Register of Politics, Art, Science, and the Belles-Lettres, December 1833, pp. 617-624.

From The Pickwick Papers, ch. 28, no. 10 (December 1836).

Published in Household Words vol. XIV (6 December 1856).