Banquet at the Mansion House 1853


Speech at the Banquet at the Mansion House (2 May 1853).


Dickens, Charles


Bibliographic Citation

Dickens, Charles. 'Speech at the Banquet at the Mansion House' (2 May 1853). Dickens Search. Eds. Emily Bell and Lydia Craig. Accessed [date].


Referring to Mrs. Beecher Stowe, he said that in returning thanks he could not forget he was in the presence of a stranger who was the author of a noble book with a noble purpose. But he had no right to call her a stranger, for she would find a welcome in every English home.

He begged to say that he was delighted to hear from Vice-Chancellor Wood that the Court of Chancery would not in the future be what it had been in the past. He had reason to hope that a suit which had been going on for some years past, and in which he was interested, might, by the learned judge's intervention, be brought to a satisfactory termination.


