'Medley Chorus'
From O'Thello (1833-1834).
Dickens, Charles
Beinecke Library, Yale University.
Bibliographic Citation
Dickens, Charles. 'Grand Chorus.' O'Thello (1833-34). Dickens Search. Eds. Emily Bell and Lydia Craig. Accessed [date]. https://dickenssearch.com/verse/1833-34_Othello_Medley_Chorus.
Solo. Desdemona
Air "There's no luck about the house"
Oh! Let us pass a merry night
Our house is rather small
But being recovered I invite
All present to a Ball.
There is some cold duck in the house
There's wine enough for all:
Likewise some spirits & some grouse
So we'll enjoy the ball
Cho. Oh let us pass &c
Solo. E argo
I felt all of a quiver
With grief & shame I shiver
Bring a cigar
Bring a cigar
It's balmy smoke I love
Air "There's no luck about the house"
Oh! Let us pass a merry night
Our house is rather small
But being recovered I invite
All present to a Ball.
There is some cold duck in the house
There's wine enough for all:
Likewise some spirits & some grouse
So we'll enjoy the ball
Cho. Oh let us pass &c
Solo. E argo
I felt all of a quiver
With grief & shame I shiver
Bring a cigar
Bring a cigar
It's balmy smoke I love